Library 2.0

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After the commercial success of The Bible: Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo, the geniuses behind the first Library, created the Library 2.0. Which is basically just the same thing, but with a '2.0' at the end. The midnight opening of the Library 2.0 took place on June 8th, 2021. Nerds and college girl's put their differences aside and came together; breaking many, many Covid-19 rules in the process; to create a gathering of about 3 or 4 people according to unconfirmed reports.

Jesus depicted riding a T-Rex in the Bible Part 2

The Sequel to the Library[edit]

Although on the outside they may look alike, that is not the case according to to an interview;

“ Think of it this way; the first library is an iPhone X and the Library 2.0 is an XR. ”

~ Library 2.0 spokeperson Mark Markson

With the launch of the Library 2.0, many first generation Libraries are being closed for good. With the Library 2.0, not to be confused with Library 2; old people and Librarian's (more commonly referred to as 'Book Nerds') are being put to work again. The Library 2.0 aims to reduce electronic waste made by cutting down 90% of the trees in the Amazon Rainforest to create the Book 2, the sequel to the book and precursor to the novel.

Library 3.0[edit]

With many other great successes, it has been announced by LibraryCorp that a third installment is on the way, which will take a new turn in the naming system, and be called the Library 3.0. It has an expected release date of Late Summer 2056 and is already being praised by critics for its "uniqueness".